
Day in the Life: Christmas Edition

I don't think I remember how different Christmas Day is for me in Belgium until it happens. As a kid, I grew up with the super traditional Christmas where everyone went into the living room together, opened gifts and ate breakfast. Now that I have nieces and nephews, the tradition continues with the big difference now that I do it with a mimosa in hand. Yet my last American Christmas was five years ago. 

In Belgium, it is very different, very quiet. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. I love where I am in life right now and I appreciate these moments. Yet, glancing through everyone's Instagram stories and seeing American Christmas, I felt nostalgic. Every year, the quietness catches me off-guard and makes me miss spending time with my bigger family. 

Here is a glimpse at my expat Christmas:

1am: A nice walk home from Christmas Eve dinner at Carte Blanche. We left around 12:30am and stepped outside into a fairly warm Belgian evening. We walked the long way home along the canal to check out the boats. Then crawled into bed full, happy, and content. 

Belgium, Christmas Belgium, Belgian expat, expat Christmas, American in Belgium, Gent, American Gent

8am: Woke up and remembered it was Christmas morning. My bed was so warm and cozy so I decided to doze a little longer.

9am: Spent awhile in bed catching up on instagram and Facebook and reading through Flipboard. 

10am: Tried talking the roommate into bringing me coffee in bed. Total failure. That guy can sleep so late, it's almost impressive.

Belgium, Christmas Belgium, Belgian expat, expat Christmas, American in Belgium, Gent, American Gent, Christmas breakfast, eggs foie gras

10:30am: Major Christmas fail! Went out to make coffees and learned we only had one pod for the coffee machine and were totally out of milk. It was comical and sad all at the same time. So instead I made a little Christmas breakfast. Neither of us were super hungry yet, so a few eggs and fresh fruit. But to make the eggs special, I cooked them in a little foie gras. Amazing.

Belgium, Christmas Belgium, Belgian expat, expat Christmas, American in Belgium, Gent, American Gent, CitadelPark

1:30pm: After some lazy TV time, we bundled up and headed outside. What was supposed to be a little stroll turned into a nearly 15km hike around town. 

Belgium, Christmas Belgium, Belgian expat, expat Christmas, American in Belgium, Gent, American Gent, gluhwein

3:00pm: Before returning home, we swung by the neighborhood kerstmis chalet and grabbed two little glühweins to warm up and celebrate the day.

3:30pm: I took a nice long bath followed by a 30-minute nap. It felt so incredibly luxurious. 

Belgium, Christmas Belgium, Belgian expat, expat Christmas, American in Belgium, Gent, American Gent

5:30pm: A little pre-dinner spread of pate, wagyu beef bresaola, gluten free crackers and more berries.

6:45pm: Headed out into a rainy Belgian evening to meet our Christmas dinner dining companions. Four of us expats got together and did all-you-can-eat ribs for dinner because that's obviously what you do for Christmas. 

Belgium, Christmas Belgium, Belgian expat, expat Christmas, American in Belgium, Gent, American Gent, Amadeus, Amadeus Gent

10:15pm: It was such a fun evening of laughs and stories. It was a great group to spend the holidays with but sadly, the roommate was feeling under the weather (and woke up this morning downright sick....) by the end. We were home and asleep by 11pm. And no, we didn't have the chocolademousse van de huis.

Ready, Set, Go: Holiday Plans

I promise I've turned the corner and I'm back to more consistent writing. It's been a crazy few weeks and sadly this whole blogging thing had to take the backseat. But I'm back to loads of travel and hopefully wild adventures and it all starts tomorrow!

American in Belgium, expat blog, travel blog, work travel, Hawaii, Thanksgiving plans, Thanksgiving travel

Over the next few weeks, I'll be in Hawaii, Dominican Republic and the continental US. (I get that Hawaii is part of the US, but it doesn't really feel that way.....) And I can't wait. I think all these trips will get me into the holiday spirit and I'll arrive back to Belgium on December 16th ready to relax and enjoy the beauty of Gent at Christmas time. Europe all decorated for the holidays is truly one of my favorite places and times on Earth. I'm already in the holiday season just thinking about it!

American in Belgium, expat blog, travel blog, work travel, Hawaii, Thanksgiving plans, Thanksgiving travel

It all begins super early tomorrow. I need to be out of the apartment by 4am to make it to the airport on time. And I'll be closing up the apartment for a few weeks, so I need to get the fridged cleaned out, laundry washed, trash dumped, bills paid, bags packed, doctors visited, and etc today. As I'm working my way through this big list, I just keep reminding myself, "I'll be in Hawaii tomorrow!"

American in Belgium, expat blog, travel blog, work travel, Hawaii, Thanksgiving plans, Thanksgiving travel, friendsgiving

I've never been to Hawaii before and I'm incredibly excited. It just seems so majestic and stunning. We are going for a Friendsgiving and the biggest problem is how short my time there will be (I know.....not a real problem). I arrive quite late on Tuesday and have to fly out on Sunday. In those four full days, I plan to be out under the sun, in a bathing suit and hopefully with a fishing rod in my hand as much as possible.

American in Belgium, expat blog, travel blog, work travel, Hawaii, Thanksgiving plans, Thanksgiving travel

Following Hawaii, I head to the Dominican Republic to take part in an amazing service project before traveling to Atlanta for a week-long training camp. I've bookended the end of this trip with a little family time that I plan to spend with my sister, who is one of my most favorite people on Earth and truly serves as my rock. 

Ready, Set, GO!