Eastward Travels to Japan

I've been spoiled for the past few weeks, even months, without having to wake up early. Following surgery, I let my body sleep as much as it needed and this really ranged from day to day. When the alarm went off at 6:30am yesterday, it was a little shock to the system. Fortunately, a hot shower and espresso got me in gear quickly, or so I thought....

I walked over to my tram station and got on my normal tram to the train station. Sadly, there is major construction and detours going on with Gent's public transportation and I ended up going in the complete wrong direction. I got off and had to hobble, a little faster than my foot would have liked, over to a different tram stop and then was properly under way. Luckily, I've learned many times that things can go wrong with Belgian public transportation, so I always build in a huge time cushion.

expat, expat belgium, travel, starbucks, travel to Japan, travel to Asian, flying, Brussels, American in Belgium, American expat Belgium, procycling, pro cycling, work travel, Japan Cup, Delta, KLM, SkyTeam

A quick Starbucks at the train station and I was on my way to Zaventem (Brussels airport). Ran into some friends from another team at the airport who were heading to the Tour of Hainan; it was nice to catch back up with work friends after not traveling for nearly two months. I had a short flight from Brussels to Amsterdam and then had to wait in maybe the longest immigration line to date while transferring through Amsterdam.

I headed straight to the KLM (Skyteam) lounge with hopes that I could use points/pay to upgrade to business class. I've been concerned about flying this far with my foot and thought a lay-flat bed couldn't hurt. I asked and the woman sadly told me that she had sold it just 10 minutes before. I was bummed but figured I shouldn't give up so easy. I sat down and did some work until it was basically time to board, then I reapproached her and asked if anyone in business hadn't made the flight. To my surprise, she said yes! We processed the transaction as quickly as possible and hobbled super fast to the gate as it was finishing boarding.

expat, expat belgium, travel, starbucks, travel to Japan, travel to Asian, flying, Brussels, American in Belgium, American expat Belgium, procycling, pro cycling, work travel, Japan Cup, Delta, KLM, SkyTeam, gluten free

Flight attendants on KLM and Delta are always amazing and this flight was no different. I asked for ice for my foot and the flight attendant took amazing care of me from that point forward, continuously bringing me bags of ice wrapped in a towel. Super amazing service. They also made me a gluten free plate of food (no soy sauce, no miso, no tempura, etc), which was above and beyond my expectations. Sadly, I didn't sleep well though. My foot just hurt; there is no way around it. I wasn't comfortable no matter what I did.

expat, expat belgium, travel, starbucks, travel to Japan, travel to Asian, flying, Brussels, American in Belgium, American expat Belgium, procycling, pro cycling, work travel, Japan Cup, Delta, KLM, SkyTeam

We landed and I soon met up with a few riders from my team. We all grabbed much needed Starbucks and then started the journey to Utsunomiya, Japan. The Japan Cup is by far one of the best organized races in the world and everything flows seamlessly. We had a nice 10-passenger van for the 2.5 hour ride, where I proceeded to catch up on Teen Mom (one of my dirty little travel habits).

expat, expat belgium, travel, starbucks, travel to Japan, travel to Asian, flying, Brussels, American in Belgium, American expat Belgium, procycling, pro cycling, work travel, Japan Cup, Delta, KLM, SkyTeam, big toe surgery, foot surgery, recovery f…

Since getting to the hotel, I ate a little food, iced my foot crawled into bed for a two-hour nap and then went out for an hour plus walk. My foot is still bothering me and I've been good about icing it. I'm glad to be back in sandals and not lace up shoes and hopefully it'll calm down if I take it easy for the rest of the day.

Day in the Life: Travel Day

I don't typically fly directly from one race into another race. Usually, there is at least a day or two in between stage races. Olympic years are always a little different and races get shuffled around. That's what happened between the Tour of Denmark and the Tour of Utah. I finished the five-day Tour of Denmark, had a lovely post-race dinner hosted by our great sponsors, got a few hours of sleep and then headed to the airport to fly halfway across the world to Utah. 

Here is a quick glimpse at my day:

6:45am--My alarm goes off but I simply couldn't get up yet. I was still too tired from a week of working 13+hours every day followed by an evening of maybe a glass or two of too much wine. 

7:15am--I can't put off getting up. A quick shower, cup of coffee, packed bags and I'm out.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel

7:40am--Headed to the airport and returned my rental car. Make it through security without any issues.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel

I had a bit of time to kill at the airport because my flight wasn't until 9:50am, so I started with a juice from Joe and the Juice. I went with Peas of Mind with peas, avocado, celery, kale and apple. At the time, it seemed like a good decision. In hindsight, I'm not sure a pea smoothie is my thing. Next up was a soy latte with three shots. Like my Starbucks name?

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Starbucks, coffee

Because I had so much time to kill, I started shopping. I think I could buy the entire Copenhagen airport. After trying on perfume that was too expensive, I settled on the world's most basic ring. Just my style.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, airport shopping, ring

9:50am--Flight to Amsterdam. Luckily the caffeine had kicked in and I was wired. Please ignore my flying guilty pleasure...OK! Magazine.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, magazine, US weekly, celebrities, KLM, Delta

11:30am--I went as quickly as possible to the KLM lounge hoping that I could get upgraded for my super long flight from Amsterdam to Salt Lake City. Sadly the flight was already completely booked. This detour cost me getting food during my layover, so I boarded my 11-hour flight without any food or snacks...and I don't really eat plane food.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM

2:30pm Mountain Time/10:30pm Copenhagen Time--First off the plane and through immigrations. Felt good to back on home soil.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, passport, immigration

3:30pm Mountain Time/11:30pm Copenhagen Time--After the long flight and no food, I was starving. Like eat everything in sight hungry. First, I ordered a starter of hummus and then got this salad. I think my waiter was a little impressed with my eating abilities. While eating, I booted up my laptop and cranked through as many emails as possible and did some conference calls.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, tuna salad, airport food

4:55pm Mountain Time/12:55am Copenhagen Time--Boarded onto my final flight to Cedar City, Utah. The long travel day was starting to catch up to me.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, jetlag

5:55pm Mountain Time/01:55am Copenhagen Time--Landed in Cedar City. My travels were super smooth and uneventful. As a side note, Cedar City is by far the smallest airport I've been to in my entire life. After grabbing my bag (there wasn't even a belt), I walked outside and my sport director was waiting for me right out front and took me to the race hotel....college dorms.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, Cedar City

7:00pm Mountain Time/03:00am Copenhagen Time--A major, major storm hit. Apparently this has been the norm.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, bike racing, Cannondale

9:00pm Mountain Time/05:00am Copenhagen Time--I finally decided it was time to crawl into bed. A cookie served as my dinner and I was completely okay with that. Early morning wake up and I was already into Stage 2 of my next race.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, glutenfree, dairy free, vegan, Alternative Baking Company

Brief Stop Through NorCal

I only come back to the US about every six months, if I'm lucky. Usually, there is one or two work trips a year and one family trip.  When possible, I squeeze in some personal time and this past weekend I divulged in some wonderful me time. 

Flying over the colorful tulip fields outside of amsterdam

Flying over the colorful tulip fields outside of amsterdam

I have two home bases in the States. One in Virginia, where my mom lives and the other in California, where my heart is. If/when I move back to the US, I hope it is to Northern California. I spent the past few days there and it's been lovely, even though it started insanely early and the weather was more Belgian than Californian. 

By 3:35am, I was already waiting in a very long line at the airport.

By 3:35am, I was already waiting in a very long line at the airport.

Getting to California wasn't all that pretty. Due to the issues at the Brussels Airport, I had to arrive at 3:15am. I think that's the earliest ever. It meant a night at an airport hotel and only about three hours of sleep.

  • Brussels [BRU]-->Amsterdam [AMS] (KLM)
  • AMS-->San Francisco [SFO] (Delta)
  • Airporter bus ride up to Santa Rosa
Almost 24 hours since leaving for the airport. I wasn't feeling all that fresh.

Almost 24 hours since leaving for the airport. I wasn't feeling all that fresh.

The first thing I did on Friday morning was get a haircut from the amazing Leila at Elle Lui Salon and an almond latte from Acre. It all just felt so much like home. A few hours of work and then dinner at a friend's house. It seems so simple, but that's one of the things I miss with all my travel and living abroad.  In Belgium, I don't really have friendships where someone invites you over for dinner. There is something so comforting about knowing someone so well to be treated like family and welcomed into their home. I miss these experiences even while hopping around on planes and passing through hotels.

Saturday started with coffees, a little work and too much shopping.  I love products. Trips through Sephora, Ulta, Macy's and Target made a noticeable dent in my checking account. I'll post a review of some of my favorites soon. I can't get enough travel size products and now my suitcase might be close to overweight at this moment.

Saturday afternoon, a few of us made our own Derby party over margaritas, chips and salsa. The tequila and massive jetlag caught up with me and I ended up taking a very poorly planned nap. Several hours later, I awoke confused about where I was and what day I was in. I wish I could say lesson learned, but it was pretty fun.  

Where was the California sunshine?!

Where was the California sunshine?!

We closed out the weekend with a day kayaking on the water. It was perfection with loads of wildlife and a plate of raw oysters at Hog Island Oyster Co.

Enjoyed the American way--with loads of hot sauce..

Enjoyed the American way--with loads of hot sauce..

And here it is not even four days later and I'm heading back to SFO. I have a late flight down to Orange County Airport. I'm staring down nearly two weeks of full days, long drives and hopefully lots of California sunshine. 


Luggage: 1, Me 0.

This was a long travel day, even for me. It wasn't the four flights that concerned me, but the three having very tight connections. I packed a strong carry-on already foreseeing the future that my checked bag would get lost in transit.

  • Roanoke [ROA]-->Atlanta [ATL] 
  • ATL-->Charles De Gaulle [CDG] 
  • CDG-->Amsterdam [AMS] 
  • AMS-->Zagreb, Croatia [ZAG]

The first two legs went uneventfully. I stopped through One Flew South in Atlanta for my favorite pre-flight meal, stocked up on some tasty snacks and even had an exit row seat to stretch out and sleep for my flight over to Paris. 

From the start, I was skeptically eying my transfer in Amsterdam to Zagreb. It was only 40 minutes and I needed to pass through immigration. I thought getting to Amsterdam would be easy, so I was dumbfounded when I heard my name over the plane’s PA system as we were about to depart from Paris. Anytime I hear my name publically announced, I automatically cringe. No good can ever come of this.

I raised my hand and the flight attendant told me I had to deplane. Deplane?! Confusion and frustration passed over immediately and maybe I wasn’t a model citizen in those brief moments. While walking past the stares and judgments from other passengers, I asked the flight attendant what was going on. He gave me a very weak answer that I was being escorted off because my checked bag hadn’t made the flight. 

When did it become customary to make me miss the rest of my flights because they had failed to get my bag on the plane? I understand upgraded security issues but I’ve had my share of lost bags even recently and never once been forced to also miss flights. Typically, I am the last person waiting at baggage claim staring longingly at the empty conveyor belt before I accept my bag has been lost in transit.

After a perplexing conversation with the Air France attendants at Charles De Gaulle, I was standing in the airport with no flight and no rebooking. A brief stop through the lounge was useless. I didn’t even grab a quick glass of bubbles to help with the stress. At customer service, I’m not sure if the woman hated her job or hated me, or both.  Without seeing any other options, I logged onto the KLM app and saw a flight to AMS and then on to ZAG that got me into Croatia only 1.5 hours after my scheduled arrival. These are the moments I’m so happy I have my credit card memorized. Simple. Easy. Booked.

I think desperation was written all over my face because the customer service woman finally offered to cancel my original flight to Croatia so I could recoup some money.
It shouldn’t come as a shock, but when I arrived in Zagreb, my bag was lost. Of course it was lost. 

After a few hours of work and a quick shower, I washed away my sorrows with a fantastic hotel dinner of grilled squid and veal washed down with a glass (or maybe two) of wine.

Before bed, I washed my pants in the sink with fingers crossed they’d dry by morning.

Such a glorious life.