San Francisco Airport

Brief Stop Through NorCal

I only come back to the US about every six months, if I'm lucky. Usually, there is one or two work trips a year and one family trip.  When possible, I squeeze in some personal time and this past weekend I divulged in some wonderful me time. 

Flying over the colorful tulip fields outside of amsterdam

Flying over the colorful tulip fields outside of amsterdam

I have two home bases in the States. One in Virginia, where my mom lives and the other in California, where my heart is. If/when I move back to the US, I hope it is to Northern California. I spent the past few days there and it's been lovely, even though it started insanely early and the weather was more Belgian than Californian. 

By 3:35am, I was already waiting in a very long line at the airport.

By 3:35am, I was already waiting in a very long line at the airport.

Getting to California wasn't all that pretty. Due to the issues at the Brussels Airport, I had to arrive at 3:15am. I think that's the earliest ever. It meant a night at an airport hotel and only about three hours of sleep.

  • Brussels [BRU]-->Amsterdam [AMS] (KLM)
  • AMS-->San Francisco [SFO] (Delta)
  • Airporter bus ride up to Santa Rosa
Almost 24 hours since leaving for the airport. I wasn't feeling all that fresh.

Almost 24 hours since leaving for the airport. I wasn't feeling all that fresh.

The first thing I did on Friday morning was get a haircut from the amazing Leila at Elle Lui Salon and an almond latte from Acre. It all just felt so much like home. A few hours of work and then dinner at a friend's house. It seems so simple, but that's one of the things I miss with all my travel and living abroad.  In Belgium, I don't really have friendships where someone invites you over for dinner. There is something so comforting about knowing someone so well to be treated like family and welcomed into their home. I miss these experiences even while hopping around on planes and passing through hotels.

Saturday started with coffees, a little work and too much shopping.  I love products. Trips through Sephora, Ulta, Macy's and Target made a noticeable dent in my checking account. I'll post a review of some of my favorites soon. I can't get enough travel size products and now my suitcase might be close to overweight at this moment.

Saturday afternoon, a few of us made our own Derby party over margaritas, chips and salsa. The tequila and massive jetlag caught up with me and I ended up taking a very poorly planned nap. Several hours later, I awoke confused about where I was and what day I was in. I wish I could say lesson learned, but it was pretty fun.  

Where was the California sunshine?!

Where was the California sunshine?!

We closed out the weekend with a day kayaking on the water. It was perfection with loads of wildlife and a plate of raw oysters at Hog Island Oyster Co.

Enjoyed the American way--with loads of hot sauce..

Enjoyed the American way--with loads of hot sauce..

And here it is not even four days later and I'm heading back to SFO. I have a late flight down to Orange County Airport. I'm staring down nearly two weeks of full days, long drives and hopefully lots of California sunshine.