Travel flying

Day in the Life: Travel Day

I don't typically fly directly from one race into another race. Usually, there is at least a day or two in between stage races. Olympic years are always a little different and races get shuffled around. That's what happened between the Tour of Denmark and the Tour of Utah. I finished the five-day Tour of Denmark, had a lovely post-race dinner hosted by our great sponsors, got a few hours of sleep and then headed to the airport to fly halfway across the world to Utah. 

Here is a quick glimpse at my day:

6:45am--My alarm goes off but I simply couldn't get up yet. I was still too tired from a week of working 13+hours every day followed by an evening of maybe a glass or two of too much wine. 

7:15am--I can't put off getting up. A quick shower, cup of coffee, packed bags and I'm out.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel

7:40am--Headed to the airport and returned my rental car. Make it through security without any issues.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel

I had a bit of time to kill at the airport because my flight wasn't until 9:50am, so I started with a juice from Joe and the Juice. I went with Peas of Mind with peas, avocado, celery, kale and apple. At the time, it seemed like a good decision. In hindsight, I'm not sure a pea smoothie is my thing. Next up was a soy latte with three shots. Like my Starbucks name?

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Starbucks, coffee

Because I had so much time to kill, I started shopping. I think I could buy the entire Copenhagen airport. After trying on perfume that was too expensive, I settled on the world's most basic ring. Just my style.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, airport shopping, ring

9:50am--Flight to Amsterdam. Luckily the caffeine had kicked in and I was wired. Please ignore my flying guilty pleasure...OK! Magazine.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, magazine, US weekly, celebrities, KLM, Delta

11:30am--I went as quickly as possible to the KLM lounge hoping that I could get upgraded for my super long flight from Amsterdam to Salt Lake City. Sadly the flight was already completely booked. This detour cost me getting food during my layover, so I boarded my 11-hour flight without any food or snacks...and I don't really eat plane food.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM

2:30pm Mountain Time/10:30pm Copenhagen Time--First off the plane and through immigrations. Felt good to back on home soil.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, passport, immigration

3:30pm Mountain Time/11:30pm Copenhagen Time--After the long flight and no food, I was starving. Like eat everything in sight hungry. First, I ordered a starter of hummus and then got this salad. I think my waiter was a little impressed with my eating abilities. While eating, I booted up my laptop and cranked through as many emails as possible and did some conference calls.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, tuna salad, airport food

4:55pm Mountain Time/12:55am Copenhagen Time--Boarded onto my final flight to Cedar City, Utah. The long travel day was starting to catch up to me.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, jetlag

5:55pm Mountain Time/01:55am Copenhagen Time--Landed in Cedar City. My travels were super smooth and uneventful. As a side note, Cedar City is by far the smallest airport I've been to in my entire life. After grabbing my bag (there wasn't even a belt), I walked outside and my sport director was waiting for me right out front and took me to the race dorms.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, Cedar City

7:00pm Mountain Time/03:00am Copenhagen Time--A major, major storm hit. Apparently this has been the norm.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, bike racing, Cannondale

9:00pm Mountain Time/05:00am Copenhagen Time--I finally decided it was time to crawl into bed. A cookie served as my dinner and I was completely okay with that. Early morning wake up and I was already into Stage 2 of my next race.

airport, travel, Copenhagen, CPH, Utah, work travel, Amsterdam, AMS, Delta, KLM, glutenfree, dairy free, vegan, Alternative Baking Company

Brief Stop Through NorCal

I only come back to the US about every six months, if I'm lucky. Usually, there is one or two work trips a year and one family trip.  When possible, I squeeze in some personal time and this past weekend I divulged in some wonderful me time. 

Flying over the colorful tulip fields outside of amsterdam

Flying over the colorful tulip fields outside of amsterdam

I have two home bases in the States. One in Virginia, where my mom lives and the other in California, where my heart is. If/when I move back to the US, I hope it is to Northern California. I spent the past few days there and it's been lovely, even though it started insanely early and the weather was more Belgian than Californian. 

By 3:35am, I was already waiting in a very long line at the airport.

By 3:35am, I was already waiting in a very long line at the airport.

Getting to California wasn't all that pretty. Due to the issues at the Brussels Airport, I had to arrive at 3:15am. I think that's the earliest ever. It meant a night at an airport hotel and only about three hours of sleep.

  • Brussels [BRU]-->Amsterdam [AMS] (KLM)
  • AMS-->San Francisco [SFO] (Delta)
  • Airporter bus ride up to Santa Rosa
Almost 24 hours since leaving for the airport. I wasn't feeling all that fresh.

Almost 24 hours since leaving for the airport. I wasn't feeling all that fresh.

The first thing I did on Friday morning was get a haircut from the amazing Leila at Elle Lui Salon and an almond latte from Acre. It all just felt so much like home. A few hours of work and then dinner at a friend's house. It seems so simple, but that's one of the things I miss with all my travel and living abroad.  In Belgium, I don't really have friendships where someone invites you over for dinner. There is something so comforting about knowing someone so well to be treated like family and welcomed into their home. I miss these experiences even while hopping around on planes and passing through hotels.

Saturday started with coffees, a little work and too much shopping.  I love products. Trips through Sephora, Ulta, Macy's and Target made a noticeable dent in my checking account. I'll post a review of some of my favorites soon. I can't get enough travel size products and now my suitcase might be close to overweight at this moment.

Saturday afternoon, a few of us made our own Derby party over margaritas, chips and salsa. The tequila and massive jetlag caught up with me and I ended up taking a very poorly planned nap. Several hours later, I awoke confused about where I was and what day I was in. I wish I could say lesson learned, but it was pretty fun.  

Where was the California sunshine?!

Where was the California sunshine?!

We closed out the weekend with a day kayaking on the water. It was perfection with loads of wildlife and a plate of raw oysters at Hog Island Oyster Co.

Enjoyed the American way--with loads of hot sauce..

Enjoyed the American way--with loads of hot sauce..

And here it is not even four days later and I'm heading back to SFO. I have a late flight down to Orange County Airport. I'm staring down nearly two weeks of full days, long drives and hopefully lots of California sunshine. 


Copenhagen for a Girl's Weekend

I'm a person who wishes she had more time to put into girlfriend relationships, but my lifestyle rarely allows it. I work with mostly men and have a work calendar that leaves little space for socializing. Yet, I believe these friendships are my true loves in life. 

Friday served as my first time back. It was... sombering. 

Friday served as my first time back. It was... sombering. 

I grew up a total tomboy. I loved sports, dirt and the occasional fight. By the time I reached high school, I was more than a little rough around the edges. Then I found myself at a refined Southern all-girls boarding school. I learned how to hug, dance, share dreams and suffer heartbreaks. I helped girlfriends through major life tragedies, not yet realizing how much I'd lean on them when my dad died. Most of all,  I realized smart, kind women should serve as your backbone. 

Copenhagen was full of Instagram worthy restaurants.  

Copenhagen was full of Instagram worthy restaurants.  

Due to international moves and a crazy travel schedule, sustaining and cultivating friendships has been difficult over the past five years. Once I realized what I'd lost, I dedicate time and effort into renewing my lady friendships, but it isn't always that easy. The whole process began with writing a blind date note to an upstairs neighbor. She accepted and a lovely friendship flourished. Openly (and a little desperately) putting myself out there helped grow more and more European-based friendships. 

It took work; it took humiliation; it took vulnerability.  None of which come easy.

I couldn't walk pass a flock with birds without a picture. 

I couldn't walk pass a flock with birds without a picture. 

But it's paid off. I have some of the most amazing women who I can call best friends. The list isn't long. I hope everyone that is on there knows the depths that I love, cherish and need them. Some are new and some have over two decades of growth (and then there is my sister who wins for putting up with every phase, frustration and locale I've embraced. She's who has taught me unconditional love.)

Copenhagen, you always shine. Even in the rain. 

Copenhagen, you always shine. Even in the rain. 

This past weekend, I took a rare girl's weekend. Since moving to Europe, they have been nearly extinct. I grabbed a flight on Friday up to Copenhagen.  The theme of the weekend was to eat, drink and have the merriest of times, which included finally eating at the Street Food Marketgreat brunches, long walks and an evening at Tivoli Gardens running around riding roller coasters and eating cotton candy. Anyone that knows me knows I can't turn down a great (or even mediocre) rollercoaster.  

A brief (and yummy!) stop through Frankfurt before barreling back home to Belgium. 

A brief (and yummy!) stop through Frankfurt before barreling back home to Belgium. 

And then, I was back boarding a flight home. During a long stopover in Frankfurt, I grabbed some of the best airport food at COA--think edamame, fresh spring rolls and thai beef salad. A few trains and a tram later, I crawled into bed with a very, very crazy week....month...ahead.

I like these reminders to adventurer like there is no tomorrow. These are the memories that count.