Fighting Jetlag

You'd think I'd be pretty good at it by now. I live on planes and constantly move around the world. I pride myself on being an expert at hacking jet lag.  

And then this silly three-hour time change killed me earlier this week. I think it was due to the fact it took two days to get from Belgium to Abu Dhabi. I left Sunday midday, slept in an airport hotel in Milan, and finally arrived at my hotel in Abu Dhabi late on Monday night. 

I was exhausted and hadn't eaten a real meal since dinner Saturday night when I crawled into bed on Monday. I expected to sleep like the dead. Instead, I counted sheep. I tried everything, meditation, sleep apps, drugs, hot shower, wine, etc. Nothing helped. I think it was a mix of sheer exhaustion and hunger that wouldn't let my body relax. Around 3 am, I finally drifted off only to wake up about four hours later. 

I've been here three days and it still hasn't gotten much better. I'm surviving off caffeine in a way that's a little pathetic for a three-hour time change.  I need to prioritize sleep tonight, otherwise, I'll be totally smashed after a few race days. Thanks Abu Dhabi for keeping me humble on my traveling skills.

Heading Back to the UAE

On Sunday, I head back to this UAE for another 10 days. This time, I'll be in Abu Dhabi, which is somewhere I've never been before. I could be wrong, but I'm heading in with the assumption that Abu Dhabi is very much like Dubai---hot, dry, (hopefully no sandstorms), luxury hotels and extremely expensive. 

packing list, work travel UAE, work travel Abu Dhabi, travel gluten free, travel gluten dairy free, work travel food allergies, travel middle east, food pack work travel, travel with food allergies

My hotel room was absolutely amazing in Dubai but our hotel food left much to be desired. It was boring, redundant and featured none of the foods you'd want in the Mideast--hummus, olives, etc. Eating out wasn't a real option because everything was so insanely expensive. Instead, it was all race buffet. Breakfast was 2 to 3 hardboiled eggs and that was it. Lunch proved to be impossible to eat gluten and dairy free and they kept throwing in peanuts to really keep me on my toes.

I don't really want to be traveling with this much food (added weight) but I also want to stay on my good eating habits. It is going to be redundant but at least I'm prepared. I'm really not that excited to eat a can of tunafish but I don't know how else to travel with protein and not completely survive on bars and powder.

In addition to the above (that's Julian Bakery Vanilla Nut powder, which I ADORE), I'll throw in some Julian Bakery bars, RXbars, coconut milk powder and hopefully some true lemon and true lime packets if I can track them down in Belgium. I'm planning on race buffet dinner being fine, so all this is to just supplement breakfast, lunch and snacks. I'm hoping there will be fresh cut veggies and salad that I can steal in the evenings to make snacks for the next day. Just need to remember to pack some sort of tupperware.

Hopefully, my bag won't weigh too much.....this is a bit ridiculous.