Philly Road Race

I'm Alive!

What a crazy, crazy month. I completely got lost in work, travel and adulting.  I have been meaning to post, but life got in the way. 

Here are the travels of the past six weeks:

  • Delta and KLM: BRU-->AMS-->SFO (May 5th)--all went easy, peasy
  • United: SFO-->SNA (Orange County) (May 9th) -- smooth
  • Driving: Whole state of California (May 15-May 22) -- loved my rental Dodge Charger!
  • Delta: SMF-->LAX-->AUS (May 23rd) -- super early, but good
  • Delta: AUS-->ATL-->GSO (Greensboro) (May 25th) --sad to leave Austin
  • Driving: Winston-Salem, NC-->Blacksburg, VA (May 29th) -- sick and slept the whole way
  • Driving: Blacksburg, VA-->Ashburn, VA (June 2nd) -- caught up on phone calls
  • Driving: Ashburn, VA-->Philly, PA (June 4th) -- listened to great tunes (mainly country)
  • Driving: Philly, PA-->Blacksburg, VA (June 5th) -- terrible thunderstorms caused delays
  • Driving: Blacksburg, VA-->Ashburn, VA (June 8th) -- caught up on work phone calls
  • Driving: Ashburn, VA-->Blacksburg (June 9th) -- finally done driving!
  • Set to fly back to Belgium on June 13th --so ready to get home
Had a great month working on my tan. 

Had a great month working on my tan. 

I started in Santa Rosa and then flew down to Orange County for meetings and a work photo shoot. By May 15, I started driving the state of California. Each day,  I was working about 15 hours a day with approximately 6-7 hours of driving. Stops included San Diego, Santa Barbara, Morro Bay, Lake Tahoe, Folsom, Santa Rosa (again) and Sacramento.

By Sac, I was exhausted... and sick. The worst. I already had a flight to stop through Austin for two days to see my best friend from grad school.  We had an amazing time catching up and I was so excited to meet her adorable boys. Luckily, they put up with my weak voice and annoying cough.

Onto Winston-Salem for US nationals. By that Sunday, I crashed and wound up in urgent care getting antibiotics, steroids and prescription cough syrup. They all were godsends and I started to bounce back fairly quickly.


While I had meds, I still didn't get to slow down much until today. Over the past 1.5 week, I drove to DC, Philly, back to Blacksburg, back to DC and back to Blacksburg again. But the DC trips were thrilling because I bought a condo! I feel like a super adult. 

My new condo... That I never plan to live in.

My new condo... That I never plan to live in.

Now I am puppy sitting. Not just puppy sitting, but also dog, horse, cat and chicken sitting. I get on a plane Monday....I'm ready.

My favorite kind of office mate.

My favorite kind of office mate.

I’m ready to sleep in my own bed...