Alicante Spain

Soft Opening

After nearly a year without blogging, writing the first blog post back comes down to writing the first words, right? Seems so simple yet I've kicked around this idea of coming back for days, weeks, maybe even months.

I don't even remember stopping. It wasn't a conscious decision. I took a weekend off after blogging every day for a month. A weekend turned into Wednesday, which turned into two weeks and 10 months later, here we are.

I've missed it, but I think some of the reason I lost it is that I couldn't figure out my voice. Am I showing my life as a PR professional in pro bike racing or am I simply showing me? If I frame it as a glimpse into my job, then I'm not motivated to write the blog. I love my job, but I aim to pour my creativity into my clients, not myself.

If it's pulling back the curtain on what it's like to live out of a suitcase, function in a predominantly male environment and attempt to thrive as an expat and all the dirt, grime, glitter, and joy that comes with that, then I can do it. 

Maybe I shouldn't link to this through a professional website but juggling another website doesn't seem worth it. I work 16-hour days for months straight. Long ago, I gave up on having a work/life separation. My work and life blend nearly seamlessly together, so I feel that this blog is simply another example of that. 

No Internet at Training Camp

I didn't mean to disappear! I actually tried as hard as I could to put something up here, but the powers that be in Spain overruled me. While in Spain, we got hit by apparently the storm of the century. There were massive power outages, rain, leaks, everything. We had snow, massive amounts of rain and galeforce winds. This meant that the Internet and Wifi were down for the whole area for days. 

The 10-day training camp started so well. Sunshine and sunglasses. Little did I know that all of that was about to disappear.

The 10-day training camp started so well. Sunshine and sunglasses. Little did I know that all of that was about to disappear.

While I couldn't post, more importantly, I couldn't work. I'm now paying for it. I got home late Sunday night with the plan to take Monday off after 10 days of working 12-15 hour days. I almost laugh at the thought I could take Monday off. Instead, I'm still scrambling trying to make up for all those lost days without Internet.

Looking forward, life is about to get crazy. It already is crazy. I'm both scared and excited at the same time for what is to come.

Stay's going to be a big year!