Hitting the Road


I'm sitting in the Atlanta airport in the middle of one of my more aggressive travel itineraries. After less than 48 hours in Virginia for my mom's 70th birthday, I'm flying Roanoke-->ATL-->CDG-->AMS and on to Zagreb, Croatia. To make things slightly extra stressful, I'm tackling this on two separate tickets. My personal ticket to Amsterdam and then work picks up the end to Croatia. I don't expect to see my checked luggage when I reach the Balkans. 

Killer gluten-free, dairy-free healthy snack selection at the Roanoke airport. I was floored.

I could get into who I am, what I do, etc. but that will have to wait for another post. I more want to get into the why with this post. I think it is the same why for anyone who posts details about their personal life online....I need a creative outlet. I have an absolutely amazing job, literally the kind of job that people fight their whole lives for. And I don't take that for granted. I get to travel the world doing a job that I love. I know it doesn't get better than that. But I rarely track my adventures or make them about me. I work in PR and my job is about telling other people's stories. I want this to be the outlet to tell my stories, my adventures, my life.

So I'm fueling up at my favorite airport restaurant in the world (One Flew South) with a seaweed salad, salmon hot pot and a glass of red wine all with the hopes that I can walk onto a plane at 3:30pm and fall into a deep, sound sleep for six hours before I tackle some very tight connections across Europe.

This will be my first time in Croatia and I only have two nights there, one being at an airport hotel. I'm excited to check off a new country from my list of the world and intrigued to see how it goes when I drive three hours on the country's only highway to my destination where I have journalists awaiting me immediately upon arrival. Oh, and I'm in charge of transporting a couple professional athletes. There is really little room for error on this one to justify my presence but that's one of the reasons I love this life. 

Fortune favors the bold.