
July Product Reviews

July has been a pretty heavy travel month. It began with a trip to the Tour de France and Paris with my family followed by nearly tens days in Poland. Now I've already hit the road again for another long run beginning in Denmark, then Utah and finally over to the Czech Republic. Obviously, that means a lot of flights. When I'm traveling this much and for this long, it might sound counterintuitive, but I like to keep my bag extra light. I can deal with a too heavy bag for 3 to 4 days, but nearly three weeks of lugging a brick around simply gets old. So, I really make myself be selective about what makes the cut,  especially when it comes to "extras". 

Below are my favorite products this month and the things I decided were must-haves on my current trip.


perfume, product review, L'artisan La Chasse Aux Papillons, eau de toilette, blogger reviews, birchbox 

I'm obsessed with this scent. It screams total summer with strong notes of lime, orange blossom and jasmine. I like a strong perfume but not a heavy one, if that makes any sense. I like to start the day with a little too much so I have some still lingering at 5pm. This one makes me happy every time I spray it on.


perfume, product review, supergoop, sunscreen, blogger reviews, birchbox

As a freckle face, I try to keep them from spreading and connecting. This little gem has been my multitasker. It's saved me on those rainy days where I skip sunscreen and suddenly the sun pops out. I can spray this on and my makeup stays put and it has a lovely refreshing scent. The other time I tend to use it is on insanely long days out in the sun when I can feel my morning sunscreen has worn off. A few quick sprays and I'm safely protected again. 

Lush Montalbano Shampoo Bar

product review, shampoo, Lush, shampoo bar, blogger reviews, birchbox

I'm slowly, single-handedly spreading the love of Lush's shampoo bars to all the females who travel in pro cycling. This little bar takes up little space, weighs next to nothing, doesn't count as a liquid and smells absolutely heavenly. Lush has a variety of shampoo bars but for my blonde hair, this one is my favorite. It is made with brightening Sicilian lemon oil, lemon juice and fresh olives and sudess up like a normal shampoo. I never leave home without it. 


perfume, product review, body scrub, coconut scrub, Kopari, blogger reviews, birchbox

I'm not a body scrub person. Rarely does it do anything for me. But I received this sample from Birchbox and I liked both the smell and the texture. It is free of silicones, sulfates, parabens and GMOs. It isn't overbearing nor has a fake coconut smell, actually the scent is more sugary than anything. But it's thick and does a good job at leaving my skin soft and smooth. I prefer to use it before I get in the shower instead of waiting until I'm already wet. 


body lotion, product review, Target, You are Amazing, blogger reviews, birchbox

I bought this lotion by complete accident. I was in the US for another day or two and had run out of body wash. I wanted to grab something cheap just to get me through a few days before returning to Europe and I always gravitate towards lemon. The price point was ridiculously cheap and I was planning on leaving it in the US, so I was sold. I got home and figured out it was lotion, not body wash and I was bummed. Then I tried it. The smell is absolutely amazing. The best way to describe it is Girl Scout Lemonade cookies. It is delicious but not so strong someone standing next to you would find it offputting or sickeningly sweet. What turned into an accident will now be a regular purchase.

I definitely was not paid for any of these recommendations.